
We currently host hybrid meetings. We meet every first and third Monday in the month at Socialna Akademija (2nd floor, to the left), Tržaška cesta 132, 1000 Ljubljana and online on Zoom at 6.30 PM.​ Come few minutes earlier.

Personal data protection: 

By joining our meeting in person or online by leaving your webcam on during the meeting, you consent and authorise Toastmasters International or any entity authorised by Toastmasters International (such as a Toastmasters club or District) to copyright, use, and publish any of the images in any format taken of you on this day. This includes posting on social media channels, the Toastmasters magazine, or any other use or purpose at Toastmasters International’s sole discretion. If you do not wish to have your image shared from the meeting, please turn your webcam off and state that you would like to opt out of your image being used.

We meet in person at Socialna akademija, Tržaška cesta 132, 1000 Ljubljana: