How to cultivate a growth mindset in organizations?
Attitude and state of mind impact nearly every facet of our lives. Focusing on the positive is an integral part of achieving success, engaging and trustful relationships, innovation and fostering growth on individual and organizational level.
Therefore, it is understandable that conscious organizations would like to foster a growth mindset of their leaders and employees. Mindful organizations would like people to excel at what they do, to be at their best and to reach their fullest potential. People with growth mindset tend to:
reaching out to others in constructive ways
listen actively and engage with people in trustful relationships
recognize the impact of different types of behaviours when interacting with others
display confidence when talking to and working with others.
demonstrate confidence in their ability to build positive relationships and environments.
reframing interactions with others in a positive light.
So why is the attitude important? Because you follow it wherever you go: within your self-talk, at home, at work. And because it determines your future and the level of success you achieve.
A victim mentality leads to weakness, self-doubt, apathy, failure, timidity, depression, misery, poverty, sickness, ineptitude, shame, submission, servitude, lethargy, drug abuse, inferiority, and barren love life.
The growth mentality is believing that you are in full control of your life. A victor welcomes the challenges of life, loves overcoming them and thrives. A growth mentality leads to strength, confidence, perseverance, success, boldness, contentment, joy, wealth, health, competence, pride, dominance, mastery, fitness, willpower, greatness, and rich love life.
Brainwriting exercise
Within the ideas to practice session of the Toastmasters business club meeting we conducted a brainwriting exercise on developing ideas how to cultivate growth mindset in organizations. All the participants were involved and were invited to think on ideas on how an organization could cultivate and support growth mindset with their employees. Technique used was a creative thinking technique – Brainwriting.
Principles of a Brainwriting:
Make sure you have a List of paper and a pen
In 1 minute you have to put down at least 3 ideas
Then change the papers and put down additional 3 ideas and so on
The result of the Brainwriting
Check out some ideas participants proposed:
Agile hackathons – not a big thing, but only between the teams
Raising awareness by conducting regular discussion on the topic
Naming Growth ambassadors – individuals that are passionate about growth mindset
Inspiring quotes on the mirrors on the toilets
Meeting the competition and exchanging ideas, trying to learn from them
Great ideas are awarded
Building a supportive environment
Weekly meetings of a group, where they share victories and challenges of previous week
Look at history: discussion on it from growth point of view / fixed point of view
Do the same for the future – discuss the differences
Discuss in groups for innovative new approaches to fix past mistakes
Coaching for employees
Regular set goals and check on progress
Teach employees coaching process
Blank board on a visible place where employees share their challenges
Learning whiteboard – a place for everyone to write down their AHA moments and how they solved their challenges
What have I learned this week session at the end of the week
Playing sports
Sharing hobbies
Having a meeting outdoors
Everyone represents their fav hobby
Group learns something new together
Workshops – teamwork on finding solutions together
Bringing pets to work – positive impact
Posting what am I grateful for today – having a wall with it and read it at meetings
Teambuilding with new things that have not been there for the team yet
Morning exercises for 5 minutes
Presenting the best employee of the month – the one that made mistakes
Workshop on feedback and a box for feedback for each person
At the meeting leader is to share what he or she did in his/her career
Motivating employees to learn, study on daily basis
Try even more; repeat again; stand up after each fall
Make a mud pool in front of the office, if you feel bad, throw yourself inside
Boxing bag at the office
Changing seats/desks from time to time
Failure of the month – so employees would not be afraid to make mistakes
Billboard for mistakes - Collecting stars for mistakes for sharing, when you collect 5 stars, you get a prize
Lectures on mistakes
Change working environment or functions
Organize short meeting when everyone has to explain and share a step how he/she practiced growth mindset
Sharing dreams
Vision board week – everyone participates and co-creates it
Creating interest groups
Massages at work – conducted by employees between themselves
Never punish mistakes
Help people understand
Leaders must create space for creative ideas
Leaders take their employees to drink and give them suggestions to grow
Continuous learning and education on the topic of growth mindset
Bringing people together
Hiring people that have a strong desire to learn
Celebrate success
Encourage and represent successful people in the organization
Sincere authentic communication
Proverbs with positive content
Yoga session during working hours
Smoke weed during meetings
Change workplace for one day
Connect it with the ability to cope with stress
Promote better relationships between the team members
Take time to discuss one issue per week an a way to improve it
It's pretty nice, huh?
Author: Katarina Primožič Ramoveš